In the words of the VFW – “Americans have lost their lives in some 85 wars and assorted military actions in the past 234 years. Most of the casualties occurred in a dozen or so major wars. But that does not lessen the sacrifice of those killed in the numerous and mostly forgotten minor expeditions in the far-flung corners of the globe. Whenever any American in uniform is killed by hostile enemy action it is meaningful, and that loss must be remembered and forever recognized (VFW Magazine, June 2009 p.21).”

AFEM's compared


WPR VIOLATION Nov. 30, 1984 to January 31, 1992

Communist publication

luque-leonel-envio-screen-shot-2016-08-02-at-6-09-49-pm luque-leonel-envio-organized-groups-screen-shot-2016-08-02-at-5-53-32-pm

These ‘known’ incidents should have been reported by the Executive Branch to Congress under the AECA / WPR!
Honduras operations were part combat & part noncombat as during any conflict.
President Reagan’s words on Honduras Imminent Danger
Secretary of State George Shultz words on Honduras Imminent Danger
The Judge Advocate’s Dual Mission in a Low-Intensity Conflict Environment, April 1991 Capt. Ann Castiglione-Cataldo, JA
Personal Security and Force Protection Standards For All U.S. military personnel assigned to Joint Task Force-Bravo, Honduras – Central America War.
From the President Reagan files. There is no record found of these three missing Americans or the missing plane and possible crash.
This rare document establishes that more than ‘training and war games’ were ongoing in Honduras.
2009 6 VFW americas dead Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 7.06.19 AM
Honduras = 28 Purple Hearts awarded
U.S. government proof that more than ‘training & war games’ were ongoing

20-mile-border-restriction 1984-1-24-alexandria-daily-town-talk-u-s-presence-protects-honduran-nation ca-killed-1988-march central-america-war-nicaragua-front-november-1984 el-sal-killed-based-in-hondo ex-green-berets-sandinists-story-emerges-20-years-later hondo-flee-prospect-of-war honduras-lia-lost-in-action pub-l-99-500-1986-10-18-1988-gao-nsiad-89 secret-missions-by-nsc-bypassed-military secret-war-in-central-america-john-moore-october-1985 ssc-honduras u-s-c-130-hostile-fire-event-in-nicaragua u-s-spy-craft-focus-eyes-on-latin-conflict u-s-troops-in-combat-in-nicaragua-el-salvador-spring-1984 un-told-nica-hondo-nearing-war us-rushing-military-aid-to-honduras us-soldiers-fired-at-nicaraguan-troops when-presidents-lie-eric-alterman

1991 1 6 Journal News U.S soldiers executed autopsy shows

1991 1 3 three American soldiers executed

1991 1 4 Chicago Tribune Salvador rebels executed 3 U.S.

1991 1 3 Palm Beach Post Rebels down U.S. copter

1981 12 1 Reagan Presidential Finding Nicaragua d-all-451988 3 10 Chicago Reader Why are We in Hondo Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 5.52.13 PM1982 11 8 Newsweek AMERICA'S SECRET WAR Screen Shot 2015-03-28 at 1.35.05 AMAP US troops Killed in Honduras Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 2.50.10 AM

1982 11 5 Not so secret war NYT Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 12.30.24 AM1981 9 23 Honduras first US casualties Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 11.10.08 AM1983 6 21 Dept of State terrorist attachs Honduras Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 5.30.38 PM1983 8 1 Newsweek GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY NICARAGUA Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 3.40.39 PM1983 8 Attacks on Nicaragua, Ahuas Tara II began Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 6.19.07 PM1983 8 3 GAO Honduras Ahuas Tara II dates Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 10.07.18 PM1983 9 Nicaragua foreign affairs Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 5.24.09 PM1983 10 10 Newsweek CIA BACK IN BUSINESS Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 3.41.56 PM1983 10 18 Attacks on Nicaragua, Pantasma Jinotega Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 6.20.57 PM1983 11 3 Marine wounded hostile fire tiger island Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 1.36.57 AM1983 12 14 NYT at Honduran Base More Questions than Ansers Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 5.16.52 PM1983 12 20 & Jan Feb Attacks on Nicaragua, Invaded Northern Provinces Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 6.22.04 PM1983 Time CA HARSH FACTS, HARD CHOICES Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 4.42.19 PM1984 1 12 Honduras pilot killed NYT hostile fire Screen Shot 2015-01-04 at 11.27.43 AM1984 1 12 Nicaraguans kill pilot 1984 Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 12.03.43 PM1984 2 3 Four GI's killed six wounded in Honduras NYT Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 11.17.56 PM545th MP Co Grenadero I 1984 hostile fire Imminent Danger Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 3.18.01 PM1984 5 9 US Involv Hostilities in CA Screen Shot 2015-01-04 at 9.32.43 PMScreen Shot 2015-01-15 at 11.33.47 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-15 at 7.24.44 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-15 at 7.32.48 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-15 at 7.57.50 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-15 at 8.07.06 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-15 at 8.13.46 PMHonduras Purple hearts 1984 & 1988 Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 10.07.35 PMSoto Cano Palmerola U.S. Military Personnel numbers Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 12.04.46 AMGTD Hondo 1 Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.54.37 PMGTD Hondo 2 Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.55.07 PMGTD Hondo 3 Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.55.34 PMGTD Hondo 4 Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.55.56 PMGTD Hondo 5 Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 11.56.18 PMSTART Screen Shot 2015-06-09 at 12.01.02 AMSTART Screen Shot 2015-06-09 at 12.01.20 AM

Campaign Medal & Casualties
Compare Honduras Casualties to other AFEM Operations

Click Here to visit Hondo AFEM page

How can you help?  Support VFW Res. 419 -Honduras

Please help the C.A. War veterans advocate for recognition as Veterans of this Low-Intensity Conflict by sending a letter to your U.S. Congress or Senate representative in support of our mission by asking Congress to issue a Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal to all U.S. troops who served in Honduras from 1981 to 1992.  This will help the families of the killed and wounded and those veterans attempting to receive proper combat honors and recognition for our sacrifices during the decade that ended communism.

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Central America War (1979 – 1992)